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Creative Microsystems, Inc. - CARTel Scales

LoadMan’s new CARTel on-board scale system for organics totes and trailers are all equipped with Weigh-in-Motion technology and available with sophisticated data management software tools. CARTel scales are customized for five popular makes and models of organics tote and trailers including: Brown Industrial, Martel, Walinga, Summit and Travis Body and Trailers.

CARTel scales provide haulers with the ability to track weights, density, GPS coordinates or RFID of each customer tote. Cart intelligence gathered through the LoadMan solution informs food waste stream behavior with outcomes that reduce waste while increasing a hauler’s pick-up efficiency.

Features & Benefits

No waiting! LoadMan's true weigh-in-motion technology weighs on the way up and down, without pausing or waiting for lights and alarms unlike its competitors.

Know where every truck is and has been in real-time and have pick-up verification. Provide load weights for every customer, every stop.

Organic weight loads are highly accurate – typically achieving 10 to 20 pound accuracies on every lift, regardless of the lift weight.

Company Info

15224 SE Renton Issaquah Road
Renton, WA
US, 98059


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