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Copper Recovery Inc.

Copper Recovery Inc. Logo

Equipment Dealer, Government

Address 18072 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, CA, 92648, US
Phone 714-842-1146
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Copper Recovery is a manufacturer of wire and cable recycling equipment, offering sales and service worldwide.  We also act as agent or representative for some of the finest European manufacturers of recycling machinery.  

Most recently, we infused our knowledge and know-how gained over the last 17 years of wire processing, combined it with a proven platform, added in a hefty amount of re-engineering along with a top to bottom refresh. The result? A modern and updated series of wire chopping lines, Phoenix.  We offer Phoenix in four configurations to suit most processing capacity requirements and budgets.

If you need more capacity or have a different processing applications such as Plastic Recycling, WEEE Recycling, E-Waste Recycling, Rigid Aluminum Recycling, PCB and PM recovery, Ferrous Shearing - Baling and ELV Logging, we offer equipment from well-known brands including Wagner Shredder, Hamos Recycling and Separation Technologies, RETO Recycling Technology, Urban Mining Systems (UMS), and GPS Processing Solutions for Ferrous shear baler loggers.

This dual role allows Copper Recovery to provide our customers with a comprehensive offering of recycling equipment, and solutions.  The "one call does it all" philosophy ensures that all our customers receive our Legendary Service for all their recycling equipment.

Since Copper Recovery is also a scrap wire processor, we can offer our customers live demonstrations, trials, and the equipment at our facility is available for R&D and sample testing. Trust Copper Recovery to identify and provide your company with the most economical, efficient, and reliable equipment with the service to back it up.

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