Designed for high volume pre-screening and speciality composting operations, the largest portable trommel in McCloskey’s line of screening equipment has been extensively re-engineered to utilize the company’s patented Drum X-Change System. By replacing the trommel’s chain drive with the DrumX-Change System’s wheel drive, the 4x4 733 Trommel eliminates costly service requirements while achieving significant improvements in the productivity and flexibility of the trommel.
The Drum X-Change System utilizes a wheel-drive in place of traditional chain drives. This allows very quick changes of the screening drum – operators simply lift out one drum and drop in another. One or two operators working with a wheel loader or excavator are able to complete the switch in just an hour or two, often less.
The Drum X-Change System utilizes a wheel-drive in place of traditional chain drives. This allows very quick changes of the screening drum – operators simply lift out one drum and drop in another. One or two operators working with a wheel loader or excavator are able to complete the switch in just an hour or two, often less.