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A new look for EPS transport packaging

Revised website promotes environmental benefits of expanded polystyrene transport packaging

Earlier this year, the Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers (AFPR) launched an updated website at According to the U.S.-based organization, the new site is designed to spread the sustainability message about expanded polystyrene (EPS) transport packaging, and features a fresh look and easy internal navigation which compliments the Association’s “Thinking Clean, Acting Green” environmental toolkit about EPS packaging.   The revised website provides detailed information about EPS in simple, user-friendly terms that re-examine common misperceptions and further demonstrate how EPS packaging can play an important role in sustainability. 

The site includes extensive life cycle data compiled into an EPS Environmental Profile Analysis that quantifies resource use, energy use and environmental emissions associated with manufacturing and distribution. This is a key aspect of the sustainability equation with clear benefits beyond solid waste management alone.  The site also has new content featuring successful manufacturer recycling initiatives and provides direct access to EPS product information. To assist the public and businesses with EPS recycling, the site has dedicated recycling resource sections with information for businesses interested in recycling large volumes of EPS, drop-off recycling locations in over 200 communities in North America, and a unique, mail-back program for individuals without a community EPS recycling collection site.  

Additionally, AFPR's 2008 EPS Recycling Rate Report, independently complied by R.W. Beck Associates, reports an overall 41% recycling rate, with almost 20% representing post-consumer and post-commercial collection. EPS has a high recycling rate among the plastics family; however, increased participation is needed to make further progress. The site also provides recycling “how-to” procedures for establishing internal collection programs, tools to assist companies in EPS recycling efforts and information to increase consumer access to EPS recycling.  

The Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers