Certified facilities lead to points for C&D recyclers
USGBC approves new Pilot Credit LEED point
The U.S. Green Building Council has approved a new innovation and design point through the LEED Pilot Credit Library available to projects when the construction & demolition (C&D) waste is recycled at C&D recycling facilities with recycling rates that have received independent third party certification.
The new Pilot Credit Point has been developed as part of the USGBC’s focus on performance in its LEED rating systems. The intent is to achieve higher quality of construction and demolition waste diversion by encouraging a verification standard for recycling facilities willing to accurately quantify waste data. This will reduce uncertainty associated with self-reported numbers.
The credit is available for pilot testing by a variety of LEED 2009 project types including: New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Commercial Interiors, Homes, and Existing Buildings.
Visit the USGBC website at http://www.usgbc.org/node/4717686?return=/credits/new-construction/v2009/pilot-credits for specific details on the Pilot Credit and requirements for independent third party certification.
Presently, the Recycling Certification Institute's (RCI) Certification Of Real Rates (CORR) Protocol is the only program that meets the requirements of this Pilot Credit. The CORR Protocol is an ISO-level third-party certification standard. It was developed in conjunction with the USGBC and a diverse group of building, construction, recycling industry, and government stakeholders. Established in 2013, RCI’s purpose is to implement the CORR Protocol. RCI administers the national certification program to ensure integrity, transparency, accuracy, and reliability in the recovery/recycling reports of participating C&D recycling facilities.
To learn more about the Pilot Credit Point and third party certification, please contact: Stephen M Bantillo, Executive Director, Recycling Certification Institute: Office: (916) 242-8287 / [email protected].