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Centre County Recycling recertified as gold-level recycler from the Glass Recycling Coalition

The MRF qualified for its original gold status in 2021 for its high-quality glass cullet

Two people stand together with a certificate in front of a large pile of glass bottles
Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority was recertified by the Glass Recycling Coalition for its glass recycling efforts. The Glass Recycling Coalition

Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority (CCRRA) has been recertified by The Glass Recycling Coalition (GRC) at the gold level for its material recovery facility (MRF) in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. The MRF qualified for its original gold status in 2021 due to its ability to produce high-quality recycled glass for processors and manufacturers. 

Established in 1989, the CCRRA MRF now serves more than 28,000 curbside residents, 125 drop-off recycling bins, and over 1,000 commercial establishments throughout the county. The MRF can process 5.1 tons of material per hour before sending its clean class to a beneficiation facility that further sorts and cleans the material to make glass cullet used to manufacture new bottles fibreglass, and other products. 

The Glass Recycling Coalition's certification program 

The free certification program offered by the GRC recognizes MRFs with additional equipment and operational procedures to clean glass in both single- and dual-stream systems, resulting in the production of higher-quality and marketable glass.

The GRC MRF Glass Certification program launched in the fall of 2019. In 2022, the glass certification criteria were updated to prioritize end-market consistency and more thorough glass cleaning prior to beneficiation. Eligible applications are judged on current MRF infrastructure and the results of a glass purity test that is aligned with ISRIs Three-Mix Specification. An independent committee scores applications and awards MRFs with either gold, silver, or bronze certification. The certification allows MRFs a competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

"Residents of Centre County continue to show their commitment to recycling glass and other materials. Therefore, we are committed to providing the resources to ensure those materials are turned into new products," said Mimi Cooper, recycling coordinator with CCRRA. "The Glass Recycling Coalition's gold recertification recognizes our continued efforts to provide quality services for our residents and businesses and produce quality materials for end markets."

"Centre County's recertification demonstrates its commitment to continue to provide residents the ability to successfully recycle glass," says David Marcouiller, executive vice president of sales, engineering with machines, and board member of the Glass Recycling Coalition. "We congratulate CCRRA and hope they serve as an inspiration to other MRFs to improve their glass recycling processes and in turn increase the amount of glass recycled into new products."

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