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$3.3 M investment made for revolutionary technology designed to recover precious metals

Laval Technopole and Montréal International welcome arrival of Greene Lyon in Laval's Biotech City

At the end of 2013, LAVAL TECHNOPOLE and Montréal International welcomed the Greene Lyon Canada Research Centre, a subsidiary of the US-based Greene Lyon Group, to Laval, Quebec's Biotech City -- representing an investment of $3.3 M.   

"The vitality that is prevalent in Laval as well as on the campuses of the Institut national de la recherche - INRS - led us to select the Biotechnology Development Centre building for the implementation of our R&D unit. The quality of the facilities as well as relationships with the various players and its accessibility convinced our research group. We are very happy with our choice," stated Mr. André Brosseau, an engineer specialized in electronics recycling and President of Greene Lyon Canada.   

Environmental Safety
Greene Lyon Canada develops processes using physicochemical methods for recovering precious metals from end-of-life industrial by-products, namely printed and integrated circuits. Contrary to foundries that send toxic substances into the atmosphere, the recovery processes developed by Greene Lyon Canada respect the environment and give new life to rare metals that are costly to extract.   

"The recovery processes are based on "green" chemistry and "green" engineering principles. The result is a sustainable and progressive recycling method that does not waste the precious metals and which is more effective and efficient than current methods," specified Dr. Svitlana Grigorenko, the new centre's Director.   

Recovery of Lead
Greene Lyon Canada is also continuing its research into the development of processes to recover other metals and raw materials that can be extracted from various industrial wastes and from scrap metal. Moreover, the company has already developed an exclusive process (patent pending) to recover the lead from glass cathode ray tubes (CRT) in televisions and computer monitors. This process also helps protect the environment, as lead pollution is a critical and growing problem worldwide.   

Joint Support
In order to facilitate and realize this project, Greene Lyon received support from LAVAL TECHNOPOLE and Montréal International.   

"We are very proud to welcome the Greene Lyon Research Centre to the Biotech City. This implementation reinforces the excellence radiating from over 85 companies, including a number of international research centres. We will continue to support Greene Lyon Canada in order to facilitate its integration into Laval's scientific community," declared LAVAL TECHNOPOLE President and Executive Director Pierre Desroches.   

"Montréal International extends a warm welcome to Greene Lyon, a company for which research and innovation are at the core of business activities and strategies and which constitutes a perfect link in the chain of Québec values regarding clean technology. Greater Montréal is gaining distinctive state-of-the-art expertise in a promising sector that is strategic and meaningful for our region," underlined Ms. Dominique Anglade, President and CEO of Montréal International.   

Greene Lyon Group is a private company whose mission is to mitigate environmental consequences by developing sustainable solutions for recovering reusable commodities from end-of-life and waste materials.  

Mandated by the City of Laval, LAVAL TECHNOPOLE promotes and ensures Laval's economic development by seeking out new investments, by attracting new businesses and by supporting those already in place within the territory.  

Quebec's Biotech City is a biotechnology and life sciences hub located in Laval; it encompasses over 80 companies and institutions that provide jobs for 5000 employees. The hub includes biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device, CRO and IT companies. The Biotech City also has a vertically integrated industrial park dedicated to the life sciences that includes two research institutes, an incubator, laboratory spaces and land for development.

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