Merlin Plastics joins industry coalition to advance circularity of polypropylene food packaging

Merlin Plastics has joined The Recycling Partnership's Polypropylene Recycling Coalition. Merlin's membership in the US-based, industry organization will allow it to bring its 30 plus years of experience in the Canadian and US recycling plastics realm to assist the Coalition's drive to improve the recovery and circularity of polypropylene (PP) plastic.
"Merlin Plastics is honored to partner with producers and manufacturers of consumer products packaged in PP and to support the Coalition in making PP circular throughout the value chain," said Merlin's Founder and President Tony Moucachen. "Polypropylene packaging is a valuable resource that can and should be recirculated. We are enthusiastic about being part of this industry coalition to help lead the way to finding solutions to improve recovery and reuse. Polypropylene is a valuable resource. It belongs in the curbside recycling system."
The membership of the Coalition includes companies and organizations such as Keurig, Dr Pepper, Procter and Gamble, Dannon North America, Walmart, and Winpack. Its stated goals include the funding of initiatives in municipalities throughout the US aimed at recovering more post consumer PP plastic for recycling.
Merlin has a long history as a player in the recovery and recycling of post consumer plastics in North America. It has tested and adopted emerging plastics recovery technologies and developed patented processes for its technology. By successfully forming partnerships along the plastics value chain, Merlin has been able to pilot and expedite new and circular technologies and business models.
"We are excited to have Merlin Plastics as a new member in The Recycling Partnership's Polypropylene Recycling Coalition. Merlin's expertise in post-consumer recycling sorting and processing will enhance our overall understanding of these technologies and enable us to strengthen polypropylene packaging collection in curbside recycling programs," said Ali Blandina, Director of Circular Ventures for the Recycling Partnership. "Together, we can stimulate a systemwide shift to increase the capture of polypropylene and demand for recycled content. We encourage all companies that use polypropylene to be part of the solution."