The ALLU Transformer Series comprises of an excavator/ loader/ tractor mounted bucket which screens, crushes, pulverizes, aerates, blends, mixes, separates, feeds and loads materials. This results in the feed material being effectively transformed into highly valuable products, making your business more efficient, and more profitable. Catering for applications of all sizes, and capable of processing any material that can be screened and sorted, the ALLU Transformer Series comprises of the compact DL & D Series as well as the massive M Series.
The ALLU DL Series has been designed to be mounted on 12 MT (11.8 US T), loaders, and 8MT (7.8 US T) tractors and backhoe loaders. This means they are ideally suited to the requirements of companies requiring limited, yet profitable, material separation, crushing and processing. The basis of the DL bucket is the unique top screen where the screening blades spin between the top screen combs with the end material size being defined by the space between the combs.
Likewise, the ALLU Transformer D Series comprises of a highly reliable screening bucket ideal for a variety of screening and crushing projects. Whilst their versatility sets them apart, they share the DL-series’ use of innovative fine-screening TS® drum construction with standard blades.
The ALLU M Series is specifically for those companies who deal with large amounts of material on a regular basis. The series has been designed to fit excavators and wheel loaders of up to 160T (154.4 US T), being able to screen and crush materials from 15mm (0.59”) to 150mm (5.9”) feed size. Powered by the carrier, these hydraulic attachments provide quick and efficient production, solve chute blockages and other material flow problems, as well as provide a solution for the transportation of frozen or saturated material heaps and so forth.
The solution whatever your material
The different sizes and the high level of versatility delivered by the ALLU Transformer Series mean that there is the machine for you, whatever your business. Some business areas that have specifically benefitted include:
· Landscaping and Agriculture: The DL Series makes the perfect attachment for landscaping and agricultural applications. From composting to aerating, top soil screening to waste and debris processing, all can be carried out on site. This truly mobile solution provides the versatility and flexibility to let you work more efficiently in the most challenging environments.
· Earth Moving and Demolition: Through using a Transformer attachment excavated soil and rubble will not need to be transported away and replaced with fresh soil. Not only does this result in substantial savings in material and transport costs, but no time is lost when waiting for replacement material. Additionally binders can be mixed if the job undertaken requires stabilization.
· Mining, Quarrying and Aggregates: If working where there is a requirement for the crushing of soft rock, through using a Transformer, the crushing and loading of the raw material can completed at the same time. The attachments reduce the need for buffer storage areas and material transportation, with investment costs being lower than for large stationary processing stations. This results in transportation from one site to another being easy and fast, with the need for electrical power being eliminated delivering further flexibility.
During CONEXPO/CONAGG ALLU will have a selection of equipment displayed, enabling visitors first-hand how the company is helping businesses transform more than just its profits.