Down Stroke Balers added to Moley equipment line
Moley Magnetics, Inc. has introduced Down Stroke Balers. The new models expand the company's line of recycling industry equipment, are designed to reduce volume and size, add value to sales and include revolutionary features.
According to Moley, balers that are purchased with a specific purpose in mind and which are properly utilized, always yield great paybacks. Tremendous streamlining and efficiency benefits (aside from recycling benefits) can be derived by baling and compacting waste. Reducing loose waste to cubes allows for the maximizing shipping costs. Vertical compacting balers are the ideal solution to reduce the volume and size of paper, cardboard, plastics, various packaging, PE and PET bottles.
Moley Magnetics, Inc. Down Stroke Balers’ are standard-equipped with a tying and ejection system, and manual compaction cycle models can be fitted for automatic compaction cycling. Units provide efficient compaction of:
Company info
4922 I D A Park Dr.
Lockport, NY
US, 14094
Phone number:
1 (844) M-MAGNET (662-4638)