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Canadian food and beverage manufacturers investing locally, supporting healthy and sustainable food systems globally

Canadian food and beverage manufacturers investing locally, supporting healthy and sustainable food systems globally

Provision Coalition, Canada's food and beverage manufacturer sustainability organization, has released a series of resources making sustainability solutions simple and accessible for food and beverage manufacturers across Canada.

By 2050, it is estimated there will be 9.6 billion people to feed around the globe. The food and beverage business environment of today is concerned with more than just a positive bottom line; success is interconnected with the long-term health of people, communities and the natural environment.

"At Provision Coalition, we have developed a number of tools that are supporting manufacturers in taking a strategic sustainability approach to their operations. For instance, tools that assist with manufacturer food waste are having economic, environmental and even social benefits," said Cher Mereweather, Executive Director, Provision Coalition.

These types of operational improvements require initial investment but have clear payback to the company in a number of ways. The latest on sustainability and return on investment here:

And for those companies in the middle of an organizational mind shift, new strategies for increasing employee engagement and valuing contributions to local communities are available. The upside of making changes to company culture here:

"Our government is happy to support the work of Provision Coalition in delivering tools to food and beverage manufactures to support best practices and the adoption of innovative new approaches to their operations" said Jeff Leal, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. "Whether it is production modernization or developing new methods and processes, sustainability and growth go hand in hand and promoting this thinking will create new opportunities for food and beverage manufactures in Ontario, and across Canada."

Canada is a leader in safe, high quality food and beverage products. The industry is also making a name for itself globally by demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability. 

Company info

100 Stone Road West, Suite 205
Guelph, ON
CA, N1G 5L3


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