Sidewinder automated side-loader collection truck

The New Way “Sidewinder” automated side-loader uses a 1,000-pound capacity arm built on imported Winkel steel I-Beams for exceptional strength, and incorporates six sealed bearings for very smooth operation. Units feature a 12-foot reach, eight second cycle time, and the Sidewinder body and hopper are constructed with 10 gauge and 1/4-inch Hardox 400 and 450 steel.
The Sidewinder provides up to a thousand pounds per yard compaction rates, and with a six cubic yard capacity volumetric hopper and a swept volume of 1.8 cubic yards, these trucks are engineered to keep up with the densest routes. CNG tank systems are available for all chassis configurations as well as ability to mount on Eaton HLA (Hydraulic Launch Assist) and Parker hybrid chassis.
“Sales of the Sidewinder have doubled in North America this year over 2011 and we expect the trend to continue,” says New Way’s National Sales Manager, Phil Allen. “Our dealer network has been the key to this success, demonstrating the Sidewinder to their customers and doing comparisons with our competitor’s models. This has been the most well received product ever introduced by New Way.”