The MiniSort III is the next generation of on-site metals sorter. It does not use X-rays and thus is completely safe to use, requiring no special certification. According to Verichek, its manufacturer, its key advantage is its ability to analyze just about any type of metal.
The MiniSort III hand-held portable metals sorter weighs only 2.4 kg, is factory-calibrated, and includes a spectrometer, power supply, processor, and a removable, Lithium-ferropolymer (LiFP) rechargeable battery pack.
Hardware includes a 3,600 pixel CCD mini-optic for wavelengths 230nm to 640nm (includes the measurement of Li in Al-Cu alloys). Each test uses an A 1.7A dc arc plasma which is generated from a silver electrode to the sample surface. Test times are factory set for optimal performance, with the LiFP battery pack providing enough power for over 250 tests from a full charge. Mains power can also be used to power the MiniSort III indefinitely.
The MiniSort III can be connected to a PC via the USB port of the battery charger or via a wireless connection. These connections enable the user to download logged data and amend the alloy tables. Operating on its in-built processor the MiniSort software is operated via a touch-screen. The software boots up automatically when the unit is switched on and is ready for the first test within a few seconds. Operation is simple and users become competent within minutes.