Above-ground equipment wash rack
Hydro Engineering’s patented Hydropad above ground equipment wash racks do not require an architectural design, permitting or construction of any kind. These “instant” wash racks are completely mobile and are designated as equipment, not a capital construction project, and can be moved when required, or installed permanently.
Hydropad above ground vehicle, equipment and truck wash rack modules are now available in five different weight ratings and six different sizes. When connected together they form any size pad array required, which enables owners to choose a weight rating and pad size to handle the smallest jobs up to the largest and heaviest equipment built.
Hydropads can be placed on an improved or unimproved, fairly level surface, and meet the first requirement of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for a wash rack. From the Hydropad, wash water can be filtered via waste water filtration equipment and sent to a sanitary sewer or recycled for continued use.
Recently, this equipment was updated with new advancements in gutter cleaning methods which add increased flexibility. For moderate to heavy solids applications these systems offer three methods for solids removal, including: the collection and pumping of heavy solids and liquid to an above ground solids settling tank; an in-gutter conveyor that continually cleans solids from the Hydropad side gutter; or a skid Steer drive-in clean out gutter. Heavy solids automatically flow into the drive-in clean out gutter.