H a l o g e n Valve Systems’ Terminator Actuator quickly c l o s e s 150-pound toxic gas cylinder valves in three seconds when activated from remote sensors and switches.
This fire code-approved microprocessor controlled system has a self-contained battery that guarantees the operation of the motorized closing mechanism during a power failure. This computer system monitors the battery, regulates the charger and closes the system automatically, if a low battery situation occurs. The Terminator Actuator system applies 40 foot-pounds of torque during an emergency activation to assure the closure of hazardous gas valves.
This fire code-approved microprocessor controlled system has a self-contained battery that guarantees the operation of the motorized closing mechanism during a power failure. This computer system monitors the battery, regulates the charger and closes the system automatically, if a low battery situation occurs. The Terminator Actuator system applies 40 foot-pounds of torque during an emergency activation to assure the closure of hazardous gas valves.