China's Proposed Contaminants Thresholds not in line with global standards, according to ISRI

In response to China's notification to the World Trade Organization (WTO) of its intent to adopt Environmental Protection Control Standards for Imported Solid Wastes as Raw Materials (GB 16487.2-13), the standards that set the allowable contaminants thresholds for scrap imports, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) released the following statement earlier this month.
"China's proposed ‘carried waste' thresholds that, like their earlier proposals, are not in line with standards followed globally by the recycling community and our industrial consumers," said Robin Wiener, president of ISRI. "Although ISRI is heartened that the new proposal moves away from the 0.3% threshold, the new levels are still of great concern. ISRI is reviewing the documents carefully and will submit comments through the WTO and directly to the Chinese Government."
The proposed standards would apply to shipments arriving on or after March 1, 2018, with proposed contaminants threshold levels reflected as follows, as a percentage.
Smelt Slag: 0.5
Wood: 0.5
Paper: 0.5
Ferrous: 0.5
Nonferrous: 1.0
Electric Motors: 0.5
Wires and Cables: 0.5
Metal and Appliances: 0.5
Vessels: 0.05
Plastic: 0.5
Autos: 0.3
As the Voice of the Recycling Industry, ISRI says they will be submitting comments in response to China's proposal to the WTO by the December 15 deadline. It is part of ISRI's ongoing response to China's change in scrap import policies. Since earlier this year, ISRI has been working in close coordination with the U.S. Government, including the White House, U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, and members of Congress. In addition, ISRI has engaged with the Chinese Government through its Embassy in Washington, which has requested ISRI's support to advise on best business practices in the recycling industry. ISRI staff has also traveled to China on multiple occasions, with additional trips planned in the near future to continue to discuss the issue with officials and industry leaders.